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St. Joseph's Church Founded in 1733
In May of 1733, Rev. Joseph Greaton, S.J. 在第三街和第四街之间以及核桃南部购买了房产,这将是费城第一座天主教堂的所在地. 这是英语世界中唯一一个法律允许公众庆祝弥撒的地方. The church was dedicated to St. Joseph, the Guardian of the Holy Family. It is affectionately known today as Old St. Joe's.
St. Joseph's Prep Opens
随着费城教区的发展,马里兰州的耶稣会士决定创建 Saint Joseph's College with a Preparatory department to serve the public.

On September 15, 1851, 95 students greeted Rev. Felix Barbelin, S.J. 第一所学校的第一任校长,他们第一天的课从早上8点的弥撒开始.m. and ending at 5 p.m. 作为圣公会的成员,学生们必须遵守严格的规定. Joseph's community. 学生们要对老师有礼貌,对同学友好. 这些规定强调整洁,并指导学生的发型, dress, and state of their desks. 学校有严格的规定,学生们被告知应该在下午6点到8点学习.m. every night and 6-7 a.m. before they arrived at school each day.

Moving to Girard Avenue
In 1876, Fr. Barbelin在17街和18街之间找到了一个未开发的街区,南北与汤普森街和斯泰尔斯街相连. In November of 1866, the sale was closed. 

1868年,就在现有的威林斯巷学院的学生人数减少到60人的时候. Burchard Villiger, S.J. took up residence in North Philadelphia to begin the building of a parish, a lower school, and a college off of Girard Avenue. 原来的建筑在地下室有一个小教堂和教室,还有一个耶稣会的住所. 地下室于1873年完工,小学班级以及希腊语和拉丁语组成了所谓的St. Joseph’s College.

This complex was no sooner completed in 1879 than work began on the Church of the Gesu--a massive undertaking with funding, design and construction problems. Francis Drexel, the father of St. Katherine Drexel, died in 1885 leaving Saint Joseph’s College $72,000, relieving the “College” of one problem. On Oct 8, 1888, Fr. 维利格在新教堂的盛况和脚手架中庆祝他加入耶稣会50周年 Gesu Church.
A New School
耶稣堂区支持管理学院的耶稣会士,快速增长使学院的学生人数达到25人,1893年预科学校的学生人数达到144人. 原来的结构已经不够用了,但是为了将来的扩展而设计的. 教堂前建了一座角楼,扩建了屋顶和新教室. This new building would hold 280 students in 1899. 这是一个足够大的数字,开始计划分离学院部门和预备部门.

就在耶稣会士搬到他们在18街和汤普森街拐角处的新住所时, 斯泰尔斯街的老住宅被改造成教堂和教室,三楼有健身房. 学生人数的增长提供了动力,以完成建筑在1923年的Villiger大厅为学院部门.
North Philly Campus
学院分部计划搬到城市线大道,使预科占据原有街区的所有学校建筑. 1890年开始向两个不同的机构过渡,并于1927年完成.

By the 1920s, 预备学校具备了现代高中的许多特征,学生人数从1927年的464人增加到1939年的735人. The separation of the College and its Preparatory department, and the rapid increase in student population meant that the faculty needed to increase; soon there were 14 lay faculty teaching along with the 12 Jesuits at the school.
The Fire
On a cold, blustery night in January the history of St. Joseph's Prep changed suddenly. A fire broke out at 5:20 a.m. in the basement of the Stiles Street building. 火灾可能是由电气故障引起的,起初消防队员以为火势已经控制住了. However, 很快,大火失去了控制,变成了8个警报,200名消防员在灭火. 大火迅速吞没了大楼,冰冷的空气把消防员的水变成了冰. 一半的街区完全消失了,而且非常危险,因此立即开始拆除. 预备学校标志性的大理石楼梯被雪覆盖,天花板上挂着冰柱.

Luckily, 耶稣会士冲到汤普森街的大楼,关上了防火门, 挽救了现在的耶稣学校以及校长办公室里的重要记录和文件. 在凯利菲尔德豪斯(Kelly Fieldhouse)外立面旁边的耶稣学校(jesu school)大楼的灰泥下,那些门仍然清晰可见.

大火烧毁了预科学校三分之二的建筑,但学生们并没有离开教室太久. Even as the clean up and demolition continued, 火灾发生一周后,学校开始上课,利用汤普森街维利格大厅的每一平方英寸. The band practiced in the empty pool, the cafeteria and ends of hallways were converted to classrooms, and unused classrooms in the Gesu Convent were used for Prep classes. Soon the planning began for a new school.
Before the fire, 预科学校已经开始购买户外运动设施和广场的土地. 预科学校前面的大部分地区已经归学校或教区所有, so the fire changed the vision for the block between Stiles and Girard. There had been a great deal of discussion of moving to the suburbs, but the easy access to the subway, 电车和通勤线路意味着预科学校不仅可以留下来为北费城的人们服务, but also the entire region.

Construction began in May 1967, sixteen months after the fire. The new modern Prep cost $5 million dollars, with $2 million dollars coming from insurance, and $2 million more raised through the generosity of alumni, faculty, and friends. The new building had a pool with a balcony and large windows to brighten it. The new gym floor (now the Kenney-Kelly Hall, (这里是排球队和田径队的预选赛场地),由成千上万的小钢板弹簧支撑在木梁上. Serving the school as the Multi-Purpose Room for many years. 老房子里的大理石楼梯被埋在玻璃和石板门厅下面,以表明预科学校的实力.
The Campaign for the Prep
这是该校自1966年大火后重建以来的首次学术扩张. From 2005-2009, 预备学校筹集了3000万美元用于修缮耶稣会堂和索特餐厅, a 100,000 square-foot project that added new classrooms, art rooms, office space, and enhanced dining facilities. Under the leadership of three presidents, Rev. Bruce M. Bidinger, S.J, Rev. William J. Byron, S.J. ’45, and Rev. George W. Bur, S.J. ’59, the Prep now evoked large, bright, and open spaces as well as a journey of the milestones in Ignatius’ life.
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